RouteWelbeck Colliery Branch
Sectionformer Welbeck Colliery Jn to Welbeck Colliery
/// what3words
Elevation Profile
Area MapsMarket Warsop , Wellbeck Colliery
Extent0M 1312y to 4M 1345y  •  4.019 miles  •  6.468 km
Measured6.362 km (Δ -105m)
⚠️ Large variation between reported and measured extents
NR RegionEastern
Quail Map 2 — EasternTRACKmaps Book 2 — Eastern


Administrative Area

MileageCountryAdministrative Area
0M 1312y to 4M 1345yEnglandNottinghamshire


Nearest Place and District

MileageNearest PlaceDistrict / CountyDistance
0M 1312y to 1M 0164ySpion KopNottinghamshire - Mansfield1604m - 1966m
1M 0165y to 2M 0560yMarket WarsopNottinghamshire - Mansfield502m - 1597m
2M 0561y to 2M 1132yChurch WarsopNottinghamshire - Mansfield898m - 1040m
2M 1133y to 4M 1345yMeden ValeNottinghamshire - Mansfield416m - 1097m


Positional Accuracy Statistics

PropertyCountMinMaxMeanMedianStd Dev
Linear Accuracy3-53m-7m-35m-46m25m
Normalised Quarter Miles3433y433y433y433y0y
Calibration Segment Length3440y3545y2358y3088y1676y