RouteTapton Jn to Colne
Sectionformer Grimesthorpe Jn to former Masborough Station South Jn
MapsTJC2 Interactive  •  Local: Sheffield , Meadowhall , Rotherham
DetailsTrack Curvature  •  Elevation Profile  
Extent160M 0709y to 163M 1653y  •  3.536 miles  •  5.691 km
Measured5.681 km (-10m, relative to reported extent)
GroupingTJC1 , TJC2 , TJC3
NeighboursAGY , CHR , HCD , SHB , TJC1 , TJC3 , WBH
NR Region🟨  Eastern
LOR🟡  LN804  Tapton Jn to Gascoine Wood (via Sheffield)
TRACKmaps🟡  Eastern
Urban AreasSheffield, Rotherham

 Administrative Areas and Nearest Places 


FromToCountryAdministrative Area
160 ●163 ●●●EnglandSouth Yorkshire


FromToNearest PlaceDistrict / CountyProximity
160 ●161BrightsideSheffieldAdjacent → Distant
161161 ●●WincobankSheffieldDistant
161 ●●162 ●Low WincobankSheffieldDistant → Remote
162 ●162 ●●●Richmond ParkRotherhamNear → Remote
162 ●●●163JordanRotherhamNear → Distant
163163 ●●●HolmesRotherhamNear → Distant
163 ●●●163 ●●●MasbroughRotherhamNear

MilepostPrincipal Features (More…)Connections
160 ●Mill Race Jn
160 ●●former Grimesthorpe JnTJC1
161 ●●●Wincobank JnSHB
163 ●●Holmes JnHCD , WBH
163 ●●●former Masborough Station South JnTJC3