RouteLondon St Pancras to Chesterfield - Midland Main Line (MML)
SectionWellingborough to Wigston South Jn
MapsSPC3  •  Google  •  Kettering , South Wigston
DetailsTrack Curvature  •  Elevation Profile  •  Geology
Extent64M 1522y to 95M 1050y  •  30.732 miles  •  49.458 km
Measured49.434 km (-24m, relative to reported extent)
GroupingSPC1 , SPC2 , SPC3 , SPC4 , SPC5 , SPC6 , SPC7 , SPC8 , SPC9
NeighboursGSM1 , SPC2 , SPC4 , WGP
TRACKmaps🔴  Midlands & North West
NR Region🟨  Eastern
LOR🟡  London St Pancras to Tapton Jn (via Derby)   LN3201 


Administrative Area

MileageCountryAdministrative Area
64M 1522y to 80M 1154yEnglandNorthamptonshire
80M 1155y to 94M 1022yEnglandLeicestershire
94M 1023y to 95M 1050yEnglandLeicester


Nearest Place and District

MileageNearest PlaceDistrict / CountyDistance
64M 1522y to 65M 0208yWellingboroughNorthamptonshire - Wellingborough1089m - 1180m
65M 0209y to 66M 1440yBurrow’s BushNorthamptonshire - Wellingborough791m - 1724m
66M 1441y to 67M 1264yGreat HarrowdenNorthamptonshire - Wellingborough1665m - 1933m
67M 1265y to 69M 1550yIshamNorthamptonshire - Wellingborough695m - 1942m
69M 1551y to 70M 1572yBarton SeagraveNorthamptonshire - Kettering1597m - 2249m
70M 1573y to 73M 1726yKetteringNorthamptonshire - Kettering523m - 2447m
73M 1727y to 76M 1638yRushtonNorthamptonshire - Kettering207m - 2455m
76M 1639y to 79M 0604yDesboroughNorthamptonshire - Kettering313m - 1986m
79M 0605y to 81M 0758yBraybrookeNorthamptonshire - Kettering598m - 1978m
81M 0759y to 82M 1528yLittle BowdenLeicestershire - Harborough349m - 1727m
82M 1529y to 83M 0274yMarket HarboroughLeicestershire - Harborough900m - 1045m
83M 0275y to 85M 0032yGreat BowdenLeicestershire - Harborough232m - 1958m
85M 0033y to 85M 0472yThorpe LangtonLeicestershire - Harborough1814m - 1969m
85M 0473y to 86M 0736yEast LangtonLeicestershire - Harborough871m - 1800m
86M 0737y to 87M 1594yWest LangtonLeicestershire - Harborough507m - 1779m
87M 1595y to 87M 1704yKibworth HarcourtLeicestershire - Harborough1713m - 1787m
87M 1705y to 90M 0032yKibworth BeauchampLeicestershire - Harborough232m - 1694m
90M 0033y to 90M 0956yKibworth HarcourtLeicestershire - Harborough1615m - 2321m
90M 0957y to 90M 1198yFleckneyLeicestershire - Harborough2333m - 2373m
90M 1199y to 91M 1132yWistowLeicestershire - Blaby1161m - 2376m
91M 1133y to 93M 0406yNewton HarcourtLeicestershire - Harborough215m - 1486m
93M 0407y to 93M 0670yKilbyLeicestershire - Blaby1479m - 1497m
93M 0671y to 94M 1616yWigston HarcourtLeicestershire - Oadby and Wigston708m - 1463m
94M 1617y to 95M 1050ySouth WigstonLeicestershire - Oadby and Wigston721m - 1133m


Positional Accuracy Statistics

PropertyCountMinMaxMeanMedianStd Dev
Linear Accuracy126-12m10m-0m-0m2m
Normalised Quarter Miles126411y451y440y440y4y
Calibration Segment Length12644y440y429y440y59y