RouteStreatham to Sutton, via Wimbledon and Morden
SectionStreatham South Jn to Wimbledon ‘A’ Jn
MapsSMS1  •  Google  •  Streatham , Wimbledon
DetailsTrack Curvature  •  Elevation Profile  •  Geology
Extent0M -088y to 3M 0137y  •  3.128 miles  •  5.034 km
Measured5.048 km (+15m, relative to reported extent)
GroupingSMS1 , SMS2
NeighboursBML1 , BTH1 , MJW , PPW , SLJ , SMS2 , SNS , WPK
TRACKmaps🟢  Southern & TfL
NR Region🟩  Southern
LOR🟢  Streatham South Jn to Sutton (via Wimbledon)   SO700 


Administrative Area

MileageCountryAdministrative Area
0M -088y to 0M 0318yEnglandWandsworth
0M 0319y to 3M 0137yEnglandMerton


Nearest Place and District

MileageNearest PlaceDistrict / CountyDistance
0M -088y to 0M 0604yStreatham ValeGreater London - Lambeth346m - 561m
0M 0605y to 1M 0230yFurzedownGreater London - Wandsworth284m - 799m
1M 0231y to 2M 0318yTooting GraveneyGreater London - Wandsworth95m - 896m
2M 0319y to 2M 0802ySummerstownGreater London - Wandsworth893m - 990m
2M 0803y to 3M 0137yWimbledonGreater London - Merton129m - 995m


Positional Accuracy Statistics

PropertyCountMinMaxMeanMedianStd Dev
Linear Accuracy15-4m22m1m-0m6m
Normalised Quarter Miles15419y464y439y440y10y
Calibration Segment Length1527y440y367y440y152y