RouteShipley East Jn to Bradford Forster Square
MapsSBF  •  Google  •  Shipley , Bradford
DetailsTrack Curvature  •  Elevation Profile  •  Geology
Extent205M 1209y to 208M 1208y  •  2.999 miles  •  4.827 km
Measured4.824 km (-3m, relative to reported extent)
NeighboursBIB , TJC3
TRACKmaps🟡  Eastern
NR Region🟨  Eastern
LOR🟡  Shipley East Jn to Bradford Forster Square   LN928 


Administrative Area

MileageCountryAdministrative Area
205M 1209y to 208M 1208yEnglandWest Yorkshire


Nearest Place and District

MileageNearest PlaceDistrict / CountyDistance
205M 1209y to 205M 1374yWood EndBradford375m - 506m
205M 1375y to 205M 1418yWindhillBradford489m - 501m
205M 1419y to 205M 1660yShipleyBradford369m - 477m
205M 1661y to 206M 0890yWindhillBradford329m - 559m
206M 0891y to 206M 1462yOwletBradford451m - 559m
206M 1463y to 206M 1528yHeaton GroveBradford487m - 491m
206M 1529y to 207M 0846yBolton WoodsBradford405m - 800m
207M 0847y to 207M 1418yManninghamBradford813m - 919m
207M 1419y to 208M 0010yLow FoldBradford924m - 984m
208M 0011y to 208M 0956yWappingBradford418m - 979m
208M 0957y to 208M 1208yEastbrookBradford221m - 399m


Positional Accuracy Statistics

PropertyCountMinMaxMeanMedianStd Dev
Linear Accuracy13-21m17m-0m0m8m
Normalised Quarter Miles13417y484y443y440y15y
Calibration Segment Length133y548y406y440y129y