RouteGlascoed Branch
Sectionformer Little Mill Jn - Glascoed
RemarksUnderstood to be disused
MapsROS  •  Google  •  Little Mill Jn
DetailsTrack Curvature  •  Elevation Profile  •  Geology
Extent27M 0735y to 29M 0776y  •  2.023 miles  •  3.256 km
Measured3.265 km
NR Region🟧  Wales & Western
TRACKmaps🟠  Western & Wales
 Additional Information 


Administrative Area

MileageCountryAdministrative Area
27M 0735y to 29M 0032yWalesMonmouthshire
29M 0033y to 29M 0776yWalesTorfaen


Nearest Place and District

MileageNearest PlaceDistrict / CountyDistance
27M 0735y to 28M 0428yMonkswoodMonmouthshire507m - 967m
28M 0429y to 29M 0776yLittle MillMonmouthshire268m - 1085m


Positional Accuracy Statistics

PropertyCountMinMaxMeanMedianStd Dev
Linear Accuracy8-0m5m1m1m2m
Normalised Quarter Miles8439y442y441y441y1y
Calibration Segment Length8125y1025y445y440y266y