RouteSeaforth Connecting Line
Sectionformer North Mersey Branch Jn to Bootle Jn
MapsNMM Interactive  •  Local: Bootle , Aintree
DetailsTrack Curvature  •  Elevation Profile  
Extent33M 1704y to 35M 1274y  •  1.756 miles  •  2.825 km
Measured2.825 km
NeighboursBSJ , HXS3 , NMB , SCT2
NR Region🟥  North West & Central
LOR🔴  NW8007  Bootle Jn to Aintree Emergency GF
TRACKmaps🔴  Midlands & North West
Urban AreasLiverpool

 Administrative Areas and Nearest Places 


FromToCountryAdministrative Area
33 ●●●35 ●●EnglandMerseyside


FromToNearest PlaceDistrict / CountyProximity
33 ●●●34 ●LitherlandSeftonDistant → Remote
34 ●35 ●BootleSeftonNear → Remote
35 ●35 ●●SandhillsLiverpoolDistant → Remote

MilepostPrincipal Features (More…)Connections
34former Mersey Branch JnNMB