RouteMaryhill Line
SectionMaryhill Park Jn to Cowlairs West Jn
MapsMRL1  •  Google  •  Glasgow (North West) , Glasgow (North)
DetailsTrack Curvature  •  Elevation Profile  •  Geology
Extent5M 1040y to 8M 0569y  •  2.732 miles  •  4.397 km
Measured4.406 km (+9m, relative to reported extent)
GroupingMRL1 , MRL2
NeighboursCSN , EGM1 , MLA , MRL2 , SGN , ZZB4
TRACKmaps🔵  Scotland
NR Region🟦  Scotland
LOR🔵  Cowlairs West Jn to Knightswood North Jn   SC115 


Administrative Area

MileageCountryAdministrative Area
5M 1040y to 5M 1264yScotlandGlasgow
5M 1265y to 6M 0010yScotlandEast Dunbartonshire
6M 0011y to 8M 0569yScotlandGlasgow


Nearest Place and District

MileageNearest PlaceDistrict / CountyDistance
5M 1040y to 5M 1528yAcreGlasgow City284m - 493m
5M 1529y to 5M 1682yMaryhillGlasgow City509m - 562m
5M 1683y to 6M 0252ySummerstonGlasgow City541m - 570m
6M 0253y to 6M 1352yGilshochillGlasgow City155m - 562m
6M 1353y to 6M 1616yCadderGlasgow City434m - 573m
6M 1617y to 7M 0780yLambhillGlasgow City539m - 716m
7M 0781y to 7M 1682yPossil ParkGlasgow City300m - 700m
7M 1683y to 8M 0472yParkhouseGlasgow City210m - 361m
8M 0473y to 8M 0569yCowlairsGlasgow City302m - 353m


Positional Accuracy Statistics

PropertyCountMinMaxMeanMedianStd Dev
Linear Accuracy12-8m12m1m-0m5m
Normalised Quarter Miles12428y454y440y440y7y
Calibration Segment Length1210y880y401y440y226y