RouteKettering North Jn to Melton Mowbray
SectionSyston South Jn to Melton Jn
MapsGSM3 Interactive  •  Local: Syston , Melton Mowbray
DetailsTrack Curvature  •  Elevation Profile  
Extent103M 1452y to 113M 0807y  •  9.634 miles  •  15.504 km
Measured15.510 km
GroupingGSM1 , GSM2 , GSM3 , GSM4 , GSM5 , GSM6
NeighboursGSM2 , GSM4 , SEN , SPC5
NR Region🟨  Eastern
LOR🟡  LN3615  Helpston Jn (exclusive) to Syston South Jn
TRACKmaps🔴  Midlands & North West

 Administrative Areas and Nearest Places 


FromToCountryAdministrative Area
103 ●●●113 ●EnglandLeicestershire


FromToNearest PlaceDistrict / CountyProximity
103 ●●●105SystonLeicestershire - CharnwoodDistant → Remote
105106East GoscoteLeicestershire - CharnwoodDistant → Remote
106107 ●RearsbyLeicestershire - CharnwoodNear → Remote
107 ●107 ●●ThrussingtonLeicestershire - CharnwoodRemote
107 ●●108 ●●BrooksbyLeicestershire - MeltonNear → Remote
108 ●●109 ●●RotherbyLeicestershire - MeltonNear → Remote
109 ●●110 ●●●Frisby on the WreakeLeicestershire - MeltonNear → Remote
110 ●●●111 ●AsfordbyLeicestershire - MeltonRemote
111 ●112 ●●Kirby BellarsLeicestershire - MeltonNear → Remote
112 ●●113Asfordby HillLeicestershire - MeltonRemote
113113 ●Melton MowbrayLeicestershire - MeltonRemote

MilepostPrincipal Features (More…)Connections
103 ●●●Syston South JnSPC5
104 ●Syston East JnSEN
113 ●Melton JnGSM2 , GSM4