Routeformer Earsdon Jn to Morpeth North Jn
MapsEJM Interactive  •  Local: ELR change BNE-EJM , Newsham , West Sleekburn , Morpeth
DetailsTrack Curvature  •  Elevation Profile  
Extent6M 1636y to 20M 1098y  •  13.694 miles  •  22.039 km
Measured22.015 km (-23m, relative to reported extent)
GroupingBNE , EJM
NeighboursBNE , BWC , ECM7 , HJM , ISC
NR Region🟨  Eastern
LOR🟡  LN694  Benton North Jn to Morpeth North Jn via Bedlington
TRACKmaps🟡  Eastern
Urban AreasBlyth

 Administrative Areas and Nearest Places 


FromToCountryAdministrative Area
6 ●●●7 ●●●EnglandTyne and Wear
7 ●●●20 ●●EnglandNorthumberland


FromToNearest PlaceDistrict / CountyProximity
6 ●●●7ShiremoorNorth TynesideRemote
77 ●●●West HolywellNorth TynesideNear → Remote
7 ●●●8 ●BackworthNorth TynesideDistant → Remote
8 ●9 ●●SeghillNorthumberlandDistant → Remote
9 ●●10 ●Seaton DelavalNorthumberlandDistant → Remote
10 ●11 ●●●New HartleyNorthumberlandNear → Remote
11 ●●●12 ●●●South NewshamNorthumberlandAdjacent → Remote
12 ●●●13New DelavalNorthumberlandAdjacent → Near
1313 ●●●NewshamNorthumberlandAdjacent → Remote
13 ●●●14CowpenNorthumberlandRemote
1415 ●●BebsideNorthumberlandAdjacent → Remote
15 ●●15 ●●●East SleekburnNorthumberlandRemote
15 ●●●16 ●●BomarsundNorthumberlandRemote
16 ●●18ChoppingtonNorthumberlandDistant → Remote
1818 ●North ChoppingtonNorthumberlandRemote
18 ●19 ●●HepscottNorthumberlandNear → Remote
19 ●●20 ●StobhillNorthumberlandDistant → Remote
20 ●20 ●●StobhillgateNorthumberlandRemote

MilepostPrincipal Features (More…)Connections
7former Earsdon JnBNE
7 ●●Holywell Jn
9Seghill Jn
11 ●Red House Farm Jn
15 ●●●Bedlington North JnBWC
16Coatsworth Jn
19 ●●Hepscott JnHJM
20 ●●Morpeth North JnECM7