RouteEast Coast Main Line (ECML)
SectionYork to Newcastle West Jn
MapsECM5 Interactive  •  Local: York , Northallerton , Darlington , Ferryhill South Jn , Tursdale Jn , Tyne Yard , Newcastle-upon-Tyne
DetailsTrack Curvature  •  Elevation Profile  
Extent0M -011y to 80M 0253y  •  80.150 miles  •  128.989 km
Measured128.827 km (-162m, relative to reported extent)   ⚠️
GroupingECM1 , ECM2 , ECM3 , ECM4 , ECM5 , ECM6 , ECM7 , ECM8 , ECM9
NeighboursCHN , DAE1 , DSN1 , ECM4 , ECM6 , ECM7 , FEP , HAY1 , HLK , HOS , KBF , KEB , LEN2 , LFL , LLP1 , LLP2 , LLP3 , NEC1 , NEN1 , NLF , REB4 , STF , TEY , YMS
NR Region🟨  Eastern
LOR🟡  LN600  Shaftholme Jn to Reston GSP
🟡  LN678  Darlington North Jn to Eastgate
TRACKmaps🟡  Eastern
Urban AreasYork, Darlington, Durham, Chester-le-Street, Gateshead, Newcastle-upon-Tyne

 Administrative Areas and Nearest Places 


FromToCountryAdministrative Area
<04 ●●●EnglandYork
4 ●●●41EnglandNorth Yorkshire
4147 ●●EnglandDarlington
47 ●●74EnglandDurham
7480EnglandTyne and Wear


FromToNearest PlaceDistrict / CountyProximity
<00 ●YorkYorkDistant → Remote
0 ●0 ●●●HolgateYorkDistant → Remote
0 ●●●1 ●●●Ouse AcresYorkNear → Remote
1 ●●●2 ●●RawcliffeYorkRemote
2 ●●3 ●●Nether PoppletonYorkDistant → Remote
3 ●●3 ●●SkeltonYorkRemote
3 ●●4 ●●OvertonNorth Yorkshire - HambletonDistant → Remote
4 ●●6 ●●●ShiptonNorth Yorkshire - HambletonNear → Remote
6 ●●●7 ●●●Newton-on-OuseNorth Yorkshire - HambletonRemote
7 ●●●10 ●TollertonNorth Yorkshire - HambletonNear → Remote
10 ●12AlneNorth Yorkshire - HambletonRemote
1215RaskelfNorth Yorkshire - HambletonRemote
1516 ●●●Little SessayNorth Yorkshire - HambletonRemote
16 ●●●17 ●●●SessayNorth Yorkshire - HambletonNear → Remote
17 ●●●18 ●●Little HuttonNorth Yorkshire - HambletonRemote
18 ●●19 ●●DaltonNorth Yorkshire - HambletonRemote
19 ●●21 ●●ThorpefieldNorth Yorkshire - HambletonNear → Remote
21 ●●23 ●Carlton MiniottNorth Yorkshire - HambletonDistant → Remote
23 ●23 ●●●BreckenbroughNorth Yorkshire - HambletonRemote
23 ●●●25 ●●NewshamNorth Yorkshire - HambletonRemote
25 ●●27 ●South OtteringtonNorth Yorkshire - HambletonRemote
27 ●27 ●Newby WiskeNorth Yorkshire - HambletonRemote
27 ●28 ●●●North OtteringtonNorth Yorkshire - HambletonRemote
28 ●●●30 ●RomanbyNorth Yorkshire - HambletonNear → Remote
30 ●31NorthallertonNorth Yorkshire - HambletonDistant → Remote
3132 ●YafforthNorth Yorkshire - HambletonRemote
32 ●32 ●●Oaktree HillNorth Yorkshire - HambletonRemote
32 ●●34Danby WiskeNorth Yorkshire - HambletonDistant → Remote
3435Hutton BonvilleNorth Yorkshire - HambletonDistant → Remote
3536 ●●●BirkbyNorth Yorkshire - HambletonNear → Remote
36 ●●●38 ●●East CowtonNorth Yorkshire - HambletonRemote
38 ●●40 ●●●Dalton-on-TeesNorth Yorkshire - RichmondshireDistant → Remote
40 ●●●42Croft-on-TeesNorth Yorkshire - RichmondshireNear → Remote
4242 ●●Hurworth-on-TeesDarlingtonRemote
42 ●●43 ●●●Skerne ParkDarlingtonDistant → Remote
43 ●●●44 ●●Bank TopDarlingtonAdjacent → Distant
44 ●●45 ●●Albert HillDarlingtonNear → Remote
45 ●●46 ●Harrowgate HillDarlingtonDistant → Remote
46 ●46 ●●Harrowgate VillageDarlingtonDistant
46 ●●47 ●●Beaumont HillDarlingtonNear → Remote
47 ●●48Coatham MundevilleDarlingtonDistant → Remote
4849BraffertonDarlingtonNear → Remote
4950 ●●Aycliffe VillageCounty DurhamNear → Remote
50 ●●52 ●Preston-le-SkerneCounty DurhamAdjacent → Remote
52 ●53 ●MordonCounty DurhamRemote
53 ●55 ●BradburyCounty DurhamNear → Remote
55 ●55 ●●●MainsforthCounty DurhamRemote
55 ●●●57 ●Chilton LaneCounty DurhamAdjacent → Remote
57 ●57 ●●●CornforthCounty DurhamRemote
57 ●●●58 ●●East HowleCounty DurhamNear → Remote
58 ●●58 ●●●Metal BridgeCounty DurhamNear
58 ●●●59 ●●●TursdaleCounty DurhamNear → Remote
59 ●●●61 ●HettCounty DurhamDistant → Remote
61 ●61 ●●Sunderland BridgeCounty DurhamDistant → Remote
61 ●●61 ●●CroxdaleCounty DurhamNear → Distant
61 ●●62 ●●●Sunderland BridgeCounty DurhamNear → Remote
62 ●●●62 ●●●BrowneyCounty DurhamRemote
62 ●●●63 ●●●LittleburnCounty DurhamAdjacent → Remote
63 ●●●64 ●Langley MoorCounty DurhamNear
64 ●65StonebridgeCounty DurhamNear → Distant
6565 ●●Crossgate MoorCounty DurhamNear → Distant
65 ●●66DurhamCounty DurhamAdjacent → Distant
6666 ●Western HillCounty DurhamNear
66 ●66 ●●●The SandsCounty DurhamNear → Remote
66 ●●●67 ●●●Newton HallCounty DurhamNear → Remote
67 ●●●69BrassideCounty DurhamNear → Remote
6969 ●●●Plawsworth GateCounty DurhamDistant → Remote
69 ●●●70PlawsworthCounty DurhamDistant → Remote
7071 ●Chester MoorCounty DurhamNear → Remote
71 ●71 ●●●Bridge EndCounty DurhamDistant → Remote
71 ●●●72 ●●CanadaCounty DurhamNear → Distant
72 ●●73South PelawCounty DurhamDistant → Remote
7374Barley MowCounty DurhamDistant → Remote
7474OustonCounty DurhamRemote
7475 ●BirtleyGatesheadNear → Remote
75 ●76Low EightonGatesheadRemote
7676 ●LamesleyGatesheadDistant → Remote
76 ●76 ●●AllerdeneGatesheadDistant
76 ●●77 ●ChowdeneGatesheadNear → Distant
77 ●77 ●●●Team ValleyGatesheadNear → Distant
77 ●●●78 ●●SaltwellGatesheadNear → Distant
78 ●●79BenshamGatesheadAdjacent → Near
7979 ●TeamsGatesheadNear → Remote
79 ●79 ●●●GatesheadGatesheadDistant → Remote
79 ●●●80Science CentralNewcastle upon TyneDistant → Remote

MilepostPrincipal Features (More…)Connections
<0ECM4 / ECM5 interfaceECM4
1 ●●Skelton JnHAY1 , HOS
3 ●Skelton Bridge Jn
28 ●●●Longlands JnLLP1 , LLP3
30Northallerton High JnLEN2
30 ●●●Castle Hills JnREB4
43 ●●●Darlington South JnDSN1
44 ●Darlington North Jn
56 ●Ferryhill South JnSTF
58 ●●●Tursdale JnFEP
75 ●Birtley Jn
77 ●●Low Fell JnNLF
79 ●●King Edward Bridge South JnHLK , NEC1
79 ●●King Edward Bridge North JnKEB
79 ●●●Newcastle South Jn
80Newcastle West JnECM6 , NEN1