RouteDanygraig Branch
SectionBurrows Jn to Danygraig
RemarksUnderstood to be disused
MapsDAN  •  Google  •  Swansea (East)
DetailsTrack Curvature  •  Elevation Profile  •  Geology
Extent46M 0091y to 46M 1455y  •  0.775 miles  •  1.247 km
Measured1.380 km (+133m, relative to reported extent)   ⚠️
NeighboursSKD , VON
NR Region🟧  Wales & Western
TRACKmaps🟠  Western & Wales
 Additional Information 


Administrative Area

MileageCountryAdministrative Area
46M 0091y to 46M 0626yWalesNeath Port Talbot
46M 0627y to 46M 1455yWalesSwansea


Nearest Place and District

MileageNearest PlaceDistrict / CountyDistance
46M 0091y to 46M 0890yCrymlyn BurrowsNeath Port Talbot443m - 1115m
46M 0891y to 46M 1455yPort TennantSwansea601m - 1116m


Positional Accuracy Statistics

PropertyCountMinMaxMeanMedianStd Dev
Linear Accuracy31m94m44m38m47m
Normalised Quarter Miles3486y487y487y487y0y
Calibration Segment Length310y961y455y393y478y