See detailed information for ELR WHL

 ⚠️ Geology shown below is based on British Geological Survey (BGS) low-resolution data sampled at 100 metre intervals along the ELR. The geology relative to the mileages should not be treated as accurate or complete. Data marked with Ⓤ is classed as undifferentiated by the BGS.

0M -028y to 0M 1485ySand and GravelRaised Marine Deposits ⓊInverclyde Group - Sandstone, Siltstone and Mudstone
0M 1485y to 2M 1595yDiamictonTillInverclyde Group - Sandstone, Siltstone and Mudstone
2M 1595y to 3M 0385yDiamictonTillSouthern Highland Group - Psammite and Pelite
3M 0385y to 4M 0165ySouthern Highland Group - Psammite and Pelite
4M 0165y to 4M 0495yDiamictonTillSouthern Highland Group - Psammite and Pelite
4M 0495y to 4M 1375yDiamictonTillSouthern Highland Group - Pelite
4M 1375y to 7M 1705yDiamictonTillSouthern Highland Group - Psammite and Pelite
7M 1705y to 9M 0385ySouthern Highland Group - Psammite and Pelite
9M 0385y to 9M 1705yDiamictonTillSouthern Highland Group - Psammite and Pelite
9M 1705y to 11M 0385ySouthern Highland Group - Psammite and Pelite
11M 0385y to 11M 1375yDiamictonTillSouthern Highland Group - Psammite and Pelite
11M 1375y to 11M 1595ySouthern Highland Group - Psammite and Pelite
11M 1595y to 11M 1705yDiamictonTillSouthern Highland Group - Psammite and Pelite
11M 1705y to 18M 0275ySouthern Highland Group - Psammite and Pelite
18M 0275y to 21M 0385yDiamictonTillSouthern Highland Group - Psammite and Pelite
21M 0385y to 21M 0825ySouthern Highland Group - Psammite and Pelite
21M 0825y to 22M 1045yUnknown LithologyDrift Geology Not MappedSouthern Highland Group - Psammite and Pelite
22M 1045y to 23M 1045yDiamictonTillSouthern Highland Group - Psammite and Pelite
23M 1045y to 24M 1045ySouthern Highland Group - Psammite and Pelite
24M 1045y to 25M 0165yDiamictonTillSouthern Highland Group - Psammite and Pelite
25M 0165y to 26M 1155ySouthern Highland Group - Psammite and Pelite
26M 1155y to 27M 0825yDiamictonTillSouthern Highland Group - Psammite and Pelite
27M 0825y to 31M 0055ySouthern Highland Group - Psammite and Pelite
31M 0055y to 31M 0715yDiamictonTillSouthern Highland Group - Psammite and Pelite
31M 0715y to 34M 1155ySouthern Highland Group - Psammite and Pelite
34M 1155y to 37M 1045yDiamictonTillSouthern Highland Group - Psammite and Pelite
37M 1045y to 37M 1375yDiamictonTillArgyll Group - Metalimestone
37M 1375y to 42M 0605yDiamictonTillArgyll Group - Psammite, Semipelite and Pelite
42M 0605y to 45M 1045yDiamictonTillGrampian Group - Psammite and Semipelite
45M 1045y to 45M 1595yGrampian Group - Psammite and Semipelite
45M 1595y to 51M 0715yDiamictonTillGrampian Group - Psammite and Semipelite
51M 0715y to 53M 1595yClay, Silt and SandAlluviumGrampian Group - Psammite and Semipelite
53M 1595y to 54M 1485yDiamictonTillGrampian Group - Psammite and Semipelite
54M 1485y to 55M 0825ySand and GravelGlacial Sand and GravelGrampian Group - Psammite and Semipelite
55M 0825y to 57M 0055ySand and GravelGlacial Sand and GravelUnnamed Igneous Intrusion, Late Silurian to Early Devonian - Felsic-rock
57M 0055y to 57M 1485yDiamictonTillUnnamed Igneous Intrusion, Late Silurian to Early Devonian - Felsic-rock
57M 1485y to 59M 1595yPeatPeatUnnamed Igneous Intrusion, Late Silurian to Early Devonian - Felsic-rock
59M 1595y to 60M 0275yDiamictonTillUnnamed Igneous Intrusion, Late Silurian to Early Devonian - Felsic-rock
60M 0275y to 60M 1045yUnnamed Igneous Intrusion, Late Silurian to Early Devonian - Felsic-rock
60M 1045y to 63M 0605yDiamictonTillUnnamed Igneous Intrusion, Late Silurian to Early Devonian - Felsic-rock
63M 0605y to 63M 1155yUnnamed Igneous Intrusion, Late Silurian to Early Devonian - Felsic-rock
63M 1155y to 63M 1485yDiamictonTillUnnamed Igneous Intrusion, Late Silurian to Early Devonian - Felsic-rock
63M 1485y to 64M 1045yUnnamed Igneous Intrusion, Late Silurian to Early Devonian - Felsic-rock
64M 1045y to 65M 1485yDiamictonTillUnnamed Igneous Intrusion, Late Silurian to Early Devonian - Felsic-rock
65M 1485y to 66M 1155yPeatPeatUnnamed Igneous Intrusion, Late Silurian to Early Devonian - Felsic-rock
66M 1155y to 68M 1155yDiamictonTillUnnamed Igneous Intrusion, Late Silurian to Early Devonian - Felsic-rock
68M 1155y to 71M 0605yPeatPeatUnnamed Igneous Intrusion, Late Silurian to Early Devonian - Felsic-rock
71M 0605y to 71M 1155yPeatPeatAppin Group - Graphitic Pelite, Calcareous Pelite, Calcsilicate-rock and Psammite
71M 1155y to 71M 1595yPeatPeatGrampian Group - Psammite and Semipelite
71M 1595y to 74M 1045yDiamictonTillGrampian Group - Psammite and Semipelite
74M 1045y to 75M 0275yUnknown LithologyDrift Geology Not MappedGrampian Group - Psammite and Semipelite
75M 0275y to 76M 0165yDiamictonTillGrampian Group - Psammite and Semipelite
76M 0165y to 76M 0605yUnknown LithologyDrift Geology Not MappedGrampian Group - Psammite and Semipelite
76M 0605y to 76M 1375yDiamictonTillGrampian Group - Psammite and Semipelite
76M 1375y to 77M 0385yGrampian Group - Psammite and Semipelite
77M 0385y to 77M 1265yAppin Group - Graphitic Pelite, Calcareous Pelite, Calcsilicate-rock and Psammite
77M 1265y to 78M 0055yUnknown LithologyDrift Geology Not MappedAppin Group - Graphitic Pelite, Calcareous Pelite, Calcsilicate-rock and Psammite
78M 0055y to 78M 1045yAppin Group - Graphitic Pelite, Calcareous Pelite, Calcsilicate-rock and Psammite
78M 1045y to 78M 1595yDiamictonTillAppin Group - Graphitic Pelite, Calcareous Pelite, Calcsilicate-rock and Psammite
78M 1595y to 79M 0385yAppin Group - Graphitic Pelite, Calcareous Pelite, Calcsilicate-rock and Psammite
79M 0385y to 80M 0275yDiamictonTillAppin Group - Graphitic Pelite, Calcareous Pelite, Calcsilicate-rock and Psammite
80M 0275y to 80M 0495ySand and GravelGlacial Sand and GravelAppin Group - Graphitic Pelite, Calcareous Pelite, Calcsilicate-rock and Psammite
80M 0495y to 80M 1045ySand and GravelGlacial Sand and GravelUnnamed Igneous Intrusion, Late Silurian to Early Devonian - Felsic-rock
80M 1045y to 81M 0715yClay, Silt and SandAlluviumUnnamed Igneous Intrusion, Late Silurian to Early Devonian - Felsic-rock
81M 0715y to 82M 0275yDiamictonTillUnnamed Igneous Intrusion, Late Silurian to Early Devonian - Felsic-rock
82M 0275y to 84M 0825yDiamictonTillGrampian Group - Psammite and Semipelite
84M 0825y to 86M 1485yDiamictonTillAppin Group - Graphitic Pelite, Calcareous Pelite, Calcsilicate-rock and Psammite
86M 1485y to 87M 0385yClay, Silt and SandAlluviumAppin Group - Graphitic Pelite, Calcareous Pelite, Calcsilicate-rock and Psammite
87M 0385y to 87M 0495yClay, Silt and SandAlluviumAppin Group - Metalimestone
87M 0495y to 87M 0935yClay, Silt and SandAlluviumAppin Group - Graphitic Pelite, Calcareous Pelite, Calcsilicate-rock and Psammite
87M 0935y to 87M 1045yDiamictonTillAppin Group - Graphitic Pelite, Calcareous Pelite, Calcsilicate-rock and Psammite
87M 1045y to 87M 1155ySand and GravelGlacial Sand and GravelAppin Group - Graphitic Pelite, Calcareous Pelite, Calcsilicate-rock and Psammite
87M 1155y to 88M 0055yClay, Silt and SandAlluviumAppin Group - Graphitic Pelite, Calcareous Pelite, Calcsilicate-rock and Psammite
88M 0055y to 88M 1375ySand and GravelGlacial Sand and GravelAppin Group - Graphitic Pelite, Calcareous Pelite, Calcsilicate-rock and Psammite
88M 1375y to 89M 0935ySand and GravelGlacial Sand and GravelAppin Group - Metalimestone
89M 0935y to 89M 1485ySand and GravelGlacial Sand and GravelAppin Group - Quartzite
89M 1485y to 91M 1045ySand and GravelGlacial Sand and GravelGrampian Group - Psammite and Semipelite
91M 1045y to 91M 1155yDiamictonTillGrampian Group - Psammite and Semipelite
91M 1155y to 92M 0715yPeatPeatGrampian Group - Psammite and Semipelite
92M 0715y to 93M 0605yDiamictonTillGrampian Group - Psammite and Semipelite
93M 0605y to 94M 0605ySand and GravelGlacial Sand and GravelGrampian Group - Psammite and Semipelite
94M 0605y to 94M 1705yDiamictonTillGrampian Group - Psammite and Semipelite
94M 1705y to 95M 1595yPeatPeatGrampian Group - Psammite and Semipelite
95M 1595y to 96M 0825ySand and GravelGlacial Sand and GravelGrampian Group - Psammite and Semipelite
96M 0825y to 97M 0275yDiamictonTillGrampian Group - Psammite and Semipelite
97M 0275y to 97M 0825yGrampian Group - Psammite and Semipelite
97M 0825y to 98M 1155ySand and GravelRaised Marine Deposits ⓊGrampian Group - Psammite and Semipelite
98M 1155y to 99M 0825yGrampian Group - Psammite and Semipelite
99M 0825y to 99M 0928y